Just so you don't feel totally lost....
you've seen the movie, in the T.V show Ra's people attacked the stargate on earth, they send Jack back to Abydos for Daniel, who's discovered a map to other stargates, Shauri and Skaara are captured by them (the Go'lauds(I am sooo spelling that wrong) is what they're called). Jack,Daniel and others go to save them. They fail but one of the gaurds (a Jaffa) named Teal'c joins them. He, along with Danny, Jack, and female scientist named Samantha Carter make up a team called "SG-1".
A cop show about a man with all five senses heightened, a "Sentinel" named Jim Ellison. With him is a "neo-hippie witch-doctor punk" (Jim's description) named Blair Sandsburg(the picture) who is working on his doctorate and specializes in Sentinels. He convinces Jim to let him help Jim learn to control his senses and ends up being his partner and living in his apartment for three years and counting. Blair's mom his a hippie who hates cops and doesn't know who Blair's father is. Blair also becomes a shaman later in the series. I'm still working on how. His spirit guide is a wolf, Jim's is a panther. Blair's Jewish, talkative and occasionally where's glasses. Guess who my favorite character is?